
Friday, May 29, 2009

The Messiah's Useful Idiots

A Barack Obama doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of useful idiots, and there was an auditorium full at Notre Dame last week.

To clarify, I do not put liberals in the useful idiot category, not even that woman waiting for Barack to pay her light bill. Liberals voting for a fellow traveler makes complete sense. It is logical for those who pay no taxes to vote themselves more freebees from the government. Just as rednecks and cowboys like me had a natural affinity with W, I can see how highly-educated, latte-sipping metrosexuals feel as one with the professorial Obama.

No, the useful idiots are those self-identified anti-abortion Christians, Catholics in particular, who either ignored their faith or performed ridiculous doctrinal gymnastics to justify voting for the most pro-abortion president in history.

The useful idiot cohort is also full of otherwise-responsible middle and upper class Americans who fall for what the president says ("we're spending too much money") instead of watching what he does (spending trillions and doubling the national debt).

Add to this a press that went from attack dog to lap dog in 100 days, and self-censoring comedians who suddenly find presidential humor off limits, and you have the perfect Obamessiah storm.

Hope you got some hip waders...

Robert George - Obama's Pro-Life Apologists


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