
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Enemies of the State

Who's the real enemy? Ordinary citizens who insist on adherence to The Constitution as our founders envisioned, or zealous ideologues who abuse the frightening power of the federal government to criminalize the political opposition?

Homeland Security apparatchiks, at the behest of their Grand Poobah Janet Napolitano, have written a sly little document that would make Joseph Goebbels proud. It's presumed focus is right wing extremism (a small but real threat). Fine. The problem is that it conflates this serious issue with ordinary heartland conservatism, subtly painting with the same horrible brush ordinary freedom loving, gun toting, bible thumping conservatives who chafe at big government encroachment.

I still can't decide: Is this is a propaganda broadside ala The Protocols of Zion, meant to rouse fear and hatred against those dangerous right-wingers (They're all nazis, you know)? Or is it just kook bait? If it's the latter, I bit.

Here is what these bed-wetting leftists consider a threat to this country:

- "Hoarding ammo and weapons" in the expectation that sales may be banned (A legal act)
- "Antagonism toward the new presidential administration" (If this were against the law, our jails would be full of rabid reporters and poop throwing leftist monkey protesters)
- "Opposition to illegal immigration" (opposition to an illegal activity is subversive???)
- "Opposition to expanded social programs for minorities" (Of course, we hate minorities. Our opposition has nothing to do with too much government spending)
- "Opposition to gun control" (Support for the constitution is now dangerous)
- "Perception that illegal immigrants are taking American jobs by working for lower wages" (Now where would anyone get that idea???)

Here is the most vile piece of propaganda:
Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
See how this works? Take a true statement that accurately describes dangerous right wing extremism, then slip in belief in states' rights, anti-immigration and anti-abortion. Congratulations, you've just declared half the population a danger to the nation.

It points an accusing finger at war veterans

Most sickening is her targeting of "disgruntled returning war veterans." Maybe they're disgruntled with politicians waving surrender flags and a press that hates America and revels in her every mistake. She invokes Timothy McVeigh, a Gulf War veteran, more than once in the report. To suggest that people who have fought for their country in Iraq and Afghanistan are potential racist insurrectionists is beyond repugnant.

Perhaps 2 million citizens have cycled through the military since 1995, and one of them, McVeigh, was a racist terrorist who committed a horrible act. By Napolitano's logic, all mothers should be closely monitored because during that same time period we had a case of a mother drowning her children in a bathtub, and another who locked her kids in the truck of her car and drove it into a lake.

It's no wonder Governor Rick Perry has announced his support for Texas House Concurrent Resolution 50:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
Governor Perry's concerns are real and Janet Napolitano's paranoid political manifesto shows why: It is grotesque overreach when a petty bureaucrat can use the power of the Federal government to demagogue political enemies.

Worldnet Daily has a link to the report here. I encourage you to download the ten page report and read it. It should be printed out on toilet paper and distributed to all freedom loving citizens.


Finntann said...

Now that is a very scary document

WTF is "political prejudice" in a free and democratic society?

"perceive gun control legislation as a threat to their right to bear arms"... well isn't it?

I find my government expressing an irrational paranoia of a valid, legal, and constitutional political opposition to be very disturbing indeed.

This report is as scary, if not more so, than the contrawise position based on racist conspiracy theories of a one-world government, more so in that this position is being expressed not by radical extremists but by a supposedly mainstream political party currently in power.

Very disturbing indeed.

Silverfiddle said...

Also, notice how they keep talking about "enemies of Democracy?" Napolitano and the clutch Stalinist wanna-bes who wrote this need to look in the mirror.

Chicago Ray said...

Guilty as charged here Silverfiddle and damn proud of it as well.

Obama and his Jackboots are really running ramshod over every dang document ever written here and then some... trampling over everything from the ten commandments to the Bill of Rights.

Obama's crew is the only threat to the republic and this little tea party day is hopefully the figurative "shot on Fort Sumter" lets pray.

Locked and loaded is the phrase of the day after today.

Anonymous said...

I believe the end analysis will be this was a scare tactic prior to the wildly popular Tea Parties. 1,000,000 attended, by the way.

That this country was founded by an armed revolution makes statists like Janet Napoleon-tano very uncomfortable.

Expect more of the same.

I hope this evil administration gets everything it wants: oppressive gun control, mass immigration and amnesty, taxes, and socialism.

The reason why is this: the greatest weapon ever devised is an aroused democracy. Despite your butch haircuit and apple-shaped body, you will arouse America my sweet plutocrat.

Keep the faith, Janet. Keep going! Don't give up!

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